NORRA TV Goes Live At The Yokohama NORRA Mexican 1000 Presented By Meyers Manx!
May 2, 2023
NORRA's All New For 2023 Live Feed Coverage.
AGUA DULCE, CALIF. – NORRA TV is broadcasting live each day at the Yokohama NORRA Mexican 1000 Presented by Meyers Manx from April 28th to May 5th. After two days of fun and interviews from contingency in Ensenada, Baja Mexico, racing coverage kicks off live each morning as the cars leave the starting line. The bikes start earlier and that footage will be re-broadcast during the show. Cameras will be set up in different locations on the course each day to catch the action, and the coverage continues from the finish line every night. NORRA’s all new for 2023 live feed coverage is proving to be an incredible fan experience. The broadcast includes live race footage from out on course, interviews, color commentary from experienced racers, prize give-a-ways, fan interactions and much, much more. The live feed will allow you to cheer on your favorite driver, or track your friends and family along the way. Don’t miss out on all the action at NORRA TV. You can get NORRA TV on YouTube, Facebook, and Stadium Super Trucks. The current schedule and any schedule updates are listed on our Facebook page at the link above.