Marc Burnett's Rigid Equipped Baja Whip
July 14, 2021
Photos by Ernesto Araiza
UTVUnderground did a quick photo session with Marc Burnett at the 2021 Baja 500 and got an in-depth, picturesque look at the Rigid Industries lighting set up on his race UTV. Check out the eye candy below.
This set up uses 11 DXL lights, 2 Driving beam pattern, 2 Spot beam pattern, and 5 Hyperspot beam pattern. There are also two E-Series lights, one with the Driving beam and the other with a spot beam. On the back of the cage are 2 D-series lights and finally there are assorted green A-Series lights.
The Driving beams will allow the racer to see broader and focused light at speeds between 10-50mph. The Spot and Hyperspot beams will allow the racer to have long distance focus at very high speeds, 50+mph. The D-series lights are illuminating the driver and passenger sides and will help with turning visibility due to the placement and angle.
Browse these lights and the full line of Rigid products at
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