
Marc Burnett's Rigid Equipped Baja Whip

July 14, 2021

Photos by Ernesto Araiza UTVUnderground did a quick photo session with Marc Burnett at the 2021 Baja 500 and got an in-depth, picturesque look at the Rigid Industries lighting set up on his race UTV. Check out the eye candy below. 2021 Baja 500 Rigid Burnett 7 1 This set up uses 11 DXL lights, 2 Driving beam pattern, 2 Spot beam pattern, and 5 Hyperspot beam pattern. There are also two E-Series lights, one with the Driving beam and the other with a spot beam. On the back of the cage are 2 D-series lights and finally there are assorted green A-Series lights. 2021 Baja 500 Rigid Burnett 3 1 The Driving beams will allow the racer to see broader and focused light at speeds between 10-50mph. The Spot and Hyperspot beams will allow the racer to have long distance focus at very high speeds, 50+mph. The D-series lights are illuminating the driver and passenger sides and will help with turning visibility due to the placement and angle. 2021 Baja 500 Rigid Burnett 8 1Browse these lights and the full line of Rigid products at www.rigidindustries.com [gallery link="file" size="medium" ids="81366,81365,81364,81367,81363,81362,81361,81360,81359"] 2021 RIgid email banner